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My relationship with the boogie man

Changing your mindset is a practice and it shifts over time. Here are a few ways to use my Mind Body and Business approach to support you in having fear be a downer.

Mindset Rewrite the Story. Since fear is often an illusion we create, remember to stop and rewrite your story when you begin to think negatively and are imagining overly dramatic or scary outcomes. Shift to thinking about the best possible outcomes and create a new story with positive results.

Self-CareSing a new song. Here is one I love that reminds me to free my mind….and the rest will follow…..

Sister Hazel – Change your Mind

Business Create a Support Network. As a business owner, you are not alone when it comes to fear. When you find yourself in situations that make you fearful, lean on others to help you overcome those worries. If you do not have two or three colleagues you can lean into when you fear rears it’s ugly head, take a few minutes to think about who you could call that has possibly experienced this before(everyone!). Put them in your speed dial and reach out. It is amazing what happens when you let those thoughts out of your head—they are not as big as you think, and you are not alone in your fears.