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Learn How One Statement Changes Lives

wendyHave you ever noticed how ironic life can be?

One day you are moving along through your days as easily as a knife slides through a perfectly cooked steak.

The next minute it feels you are chewing an overcooked piece of meat – a bit of struggle with little satisfaction.

I often wonder what causes the shift from delicious days to seemingly tasteless ones.

It can happen in just a moment, the same moment it takes for a steak to go from a perfect medium rare to overcooked.

I could spend time pontificating the reasons why this happens, and there can be many of them.

The gift I want to share with you today is what to do when a good day goes awry.

One sure way to snap back is to remember that this too shall pass. There are many adages about this saying – it seems to have originated in medieval times by Persian Sufi poets.  The story goes that a great King was humbled by these simple words. The phrase was etched onto a ring and had the ability to make the sad man happy and the happy man sad.

The next time you hit a proverbial bump in the road, try on this saying. It may not change things immediately, but the simple act of changing your perspective and knowing that the situation you are in is temporary, will quicken the recovery time so you can get back to enjoying the ride.

You need not get this etched on a ring, however, I invite you to find a saying, quote or affirmation that supports you through the good and the bad of your day.

I have a feeling that a lot of you already have sayings that you use daily. I would love to hear them. Click here to share them on Facebook page. Who knows, your sharing could lead to helping someone have a better day.