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Matter over Mind

I have noticed time and time again that when something is genuinely important, people do whatever it takes to make it happen.

We have all heard the term Mind over Matter. What I am speaking to is when it matters, when there is something important that you want to accomplish, you don’t mind doing the activities that will help you achieve this goal.

Whether you are looking to complete a half-marathon, start your own company, or attract the ideal partner, the more connected you are to meaning of your intention, the easier it will be to begin the process and reach the goal.

The “matter” is different for everyone. Last week I read in the Atlanta Journal Constitution about what 10 amazing chefs were grateful for. The same was true for almost all of them – family, food, making people and the planet happy were what they appreciated the most.

Running a restaurant is not for the faint of heart, so something bigger than money has to be present to get them out of bed each morning.

What is the “matter” for you? Why do you do what you do every day?

The mind, of course, is a piece of this success pie. Our thoughts have incredible power, that typically move us into action… or not.

Practices that include meditation, gratitude, mindfulness, kindness and laughter support a healthy mindset and allow you to stay connected to what matters.

Even though something matters deeply to you, having your mindset aligned with your hearts desires is imperative – even when it energizes and/or terrifies you.  This combination of what matters and mindset are a must have – like the skinny cow ice cream sandwich I have every night.

There are a couple of exercises I use with my clients to help them clarify their mighty dream. For now, I invite you to spend a couple of minutes thinking about the underlying reason for what gets you out of bed in the morning to accomplish your goals and dreams.

I am not talking about the alarm clock going off or the dog licking your face.

What is the reason you do what you do versus just pulling the covers over your head?

Is it because of the people you get to work with or help?

The positive impact you get to make in the world?

You want to travel?

Start a non-profit to help support something you just can’t bear the pain of anymore?

To be able to do what you want, when you want with whom you want while adding value to the world?

What gets me out of bed every day is knowing I am the spark that lights people’s fire.

Imagine what life is like when you when your fire is lit.

It will bright and filled with flourishing success!

Write your list and use it when you forget what really matters. This will get your mind back in the game and help you to cross the finish line.  Then…it is time to celebrate!