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How about a Spring Fling to Boost your Success?

photoMy senses go wild this time of year. Everything in bloom is a feast for my eyes and the aromas are tantalizing. Eating corn, squash and knowing that summer watermelon is right around the corner – delicious.

It’s a fertile time to plant seeds, whether the sowing is for the purpose of enjoying juicy tomatoes or scattering the seeds of desire.

Setting intentions runs on a quarterly cycle for me – the beginning of the year, spring, start of the school year (an excuse to buy “school supplies”- pens and notebooks are a guilty pleasure).

I don’t know about you, but I can lose focus on some of my goals and intentions. Whether I become busy, fearful or lazy, I may forget – this ritual of revisiting what’s most important every 90 days helps me advance towards my goals.

Last week I led a Spring Fling with the staff at the Decatur Recreation Center. This event provided inspiration and a clear focus for them to be their best for each other and the community.

We had a blast!photo(1)

After revisiting the mission of the City of Decatur, each person chose 3 values to focus on. I invited them to ponder what they wanted from putting their attention on these intentions.

The overriding answer was working more closely as a team, including respect and commitment.

The most fun part – actually planting seeds in pots they decorated with their values and intentions – a living structure for them as they move through their busy day.

What intentions would you like to plant during this fertile time? What would you like to achieve this quarter in your career, your finances, with your family, your fun time?

If you want to enjoy the blossoms of your seeds of intention, try this simple at-home Spring Fling ritual.

  1. Choose 1-3 “seeds” that you want to plant. You can literally plant seeds to nurture or post these intentions on your bulletin board – choose what resonates with you. These intentions could be:

* having fun with everything you do,

*deepening connections with 3 business colleagues or

*not working past 5 PM.

  1. Water them with your attention. This is the most important part. Giving your “seeds” attention will help them come to fruition. If you don’t water a plant, what happens? It withers, and eventually dies.
  2. You may need to do some “weeding” every now and again by clearing out negative thoughts, people and habits that stifle your growth. Weave in some inspirational reading and spend time with people that energize and inspire you. This gives you the space and freedom to blossom fully.

This process will feed your spirit and allow you move closer to achieving the goals and intentions that you want. For the sake of your delicious life, plant your seeds, water and enjoy the fruits of your labors.

Share the seeds that you are planting below.