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Mind Body & Business with Wendy

What if you knew that taking time away from the day to day tasks of life actually help you tap into increased creativity and innovation?

Here are tips to support you in what I call the Big 3—Mindset, Self-care, and Business strategy—to create a luscious life and sustainable business.

Mindset – If you cannot take a vacation right now, begin planning one and watch your energy expand. Studies show that the act of planning and dreaming about your next trip is as wonderful as actually taking the trip.

Go and get that Fodor’s book and start dreaming. Let that excitement move you into inspired actions for next steps of eventually embarking on that wonderful journey.


Self-Care — Vacation is the ultimate self-care. When you vacate your day-to-day calendar and allow yourself to choose what you want to do when you want to do it, vs. having to be someplace at 9 AM, 11:30 AM, 2 PM and 7 PM, you will let begin to relax and de-stress. Doesn’t that sound delicious?

Even if you cannot get out of town for a few days, enjoy a staycation.

Unplug one day, a weekend, or better yet, or a whole week (OMG!) from your phone, computer and calendar. Then you can ask yourself  – “What do I want to do now”? Then act accordingly. 

Business – For entrepreneurs, taking  a vacation can be as terrifying  as a fish feels out of water.

The ability for you to truly enjoy an extended amount of time off greatly increases when you have systems within your company.

When you know what needs to be done to operate smoothly while you are gone, you can look ahead at your calendar and put everything in order, then it is easier to head out of town and still keep the ship afloat.

Take a look at your company. Do you have processes in place that allow you to disappear for a few days? Will your emails be diverted to your assistant? Will invoices still go out if you are traveling at the beginning of the month? 

If you are have been in business for a while, can you launch a new program or product while you are on vacation? Can you show a house to a prospective client?

This is the freedom that will allow you to build a luscious and sustainable business.

I know it is possible. If you are a regular reader, you know I have taken 2 week long vacations this summer and am still going to reach my income goals!

Final words—take a vacation or plan one so that you are living the kind of life that you dreamed about as an entrepreneur. You deserve it.

If you want to learn how to build a luscious and sustainable company so you can take more time off, learn how to use my Mind Body & Business approach at one of these upcoming events in August.