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My Favorite Recipe Ever!

Cooking concept. Ingredients and kitchen tools with the old blanIf I had a dollar for every recipe I pulled out of a magazine and never cooked, I could retire today.

What is it about the promise of a delicious meal?

First, the picture always gets me – colorful food beautifully plated with just the perfect garnish on the perfect plate.

Then, the expectation of the first bite of deliciousness. Most likely, there will be appetizing conversation that goes with the delicious meal.

I’m salivating – are you?

Here is the thing; the reason I clip them, yet don’t cook them is that Matt, my husband is the chef in the house. He is in charge of cooking up delicious meals. As the author of The Joy Factor Recipe Book – A Common Sense Approach to a Delicious Life, I’m the one in charge of cooking up delicious days.

I’m going to share one of the twenty recipes I have compiled from my book with you today. This one comes from the amazing T. Harv Eker, author of Secrets of the Millionaire Mind.

Like poaching a perfect egg – it’s very simple in theory – drop an egg into hot water for six minutes. If you’ve ever poached an egg, or been witness to the act of poaching, you know it is not easy.

The same is true for this recipe – simple, yet not always easy.

Here it is – TFAR

Thoughts + Feelings + Actions = Results

Creating a delicious life begins with your thoughts. Whenever you think a thought, you experience a feeling. Try it now – think about someone you enjoy spending time with … notice how thinking about that person makes you feel.

Now, think about someone that you do not enjoy spending time with. Are you ready to shift your thoughts back to the person you enjoy spending time with? I have a feeling the answer is yes.

Let’s move this example to the next level.

Think about an item on your to-do list. Maybe you have to follow up with a perspective client or employer.

How does thinking about this activity make you feel? If you are excited about the opportunity, than chances greatly increase you’ll move forward in action, bringing you closer to the results you really want.

Starting to sound tasty?

Even though not one of the ingredients in this recipe is chocolate, I promise you that as you start to use this one daily, just like the coffee you brew or the sandwich you make, you will notice measurable shifts in your life.

I’m not saying you have to monitor every thought – you will know if your thoughts are serving you by how you feel and the results you are achieving (or not) in your life.

Try this –

  1. When you wake up, choose a thought you know will bring you a positive feeling. I like “Something great is going to happen today.”
  2. This will move you to excitement and curiosity. PS- curiosity is a skill named in Psychology Today that helps people achieve their goals.
  3. As you move through your day, let these feelings guide your actions. When curiosity is present in a meeting that you are not excited about, you’ll ask questions that help to move you closer to the results you want to experience.
  4. Last, but not least, take some time each day to reflect on the positive actions you took that moved you closer to the results you want to experience.

Then, you can cook up this delicious recipe for success in any area of your life again the next day.

Bon appetite!