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Sustain the Feeling of Joy, Happiness and Inspired Action from the Inside Out

What does patience combined with vision, persistence and a dose of joy provide?  An ideal life filled with joy, success and fulfillment.  

Wayne and Wendy in 1993.

For my seventeenth birthday, my mom brought me to see Wayne Dyer talk about his latest book, Your Erroneous Zones. I couldn’t have cared less about Wayne or his book, I wanted new shoes, but my mom thought this would help me sort things out during my tumultuous teen years. Dyer’s talk was inspiring, yet something extraordinary happened to me that day. I witnessed the positive impact that one man had on a roomful of people. His stories, message and confident, yet approachable attitude was compelling.  His passion for personal development lit a spark in me that was flamed by the likes of Louise Hay and Shaktai Gawain, two amazing pioneers in the personal development field in the early eighties.  Little did I know, thirty-three years later, I would publish a book and be onstage teaching people how to raise their Joy Factor to create more success and fulfillment.

I am thrilled to announce the launch of, the go-to website for organizations looking for an enthusiastic presenter to teach their people how to amplify optimism to boost success by raising their Joy Factor.

What is your Joy Factor?

The last four years have opened up people’s perspective on what is truly important in life. The recession had many reevaluate what is essential, including what brings happiness. Jobs, houses and retirement accounts have come and gone. People realize they can survive with less, yet the desire to thrive with ease is palpable. The acquisition of “things” brings a temporary sense of joy and satisfaction, yet when the newness is gone, the quest for something else to make us happy begins. A similar search for contentment is happening at companies around the globe.

Feeling positive and energized offers the ease that people are craving. When your Joy Factor is increased by deliberately integrating elements and circumstances that provide sustainable happiness into your days, productivity, success and fulfillment is enhanced dramatically. My passion for teaching how to sustain that feeling of joy, happiness and inspired action from the inside out is a result of my early vision, patience and persistence.

Learn more about ways to amplify optimism and boost success at and be sure to leave us a comment with thoughts or questions to share with our readers after picking up your free e-book, 7 Activities for Increased Success and Fulfillment.