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The Year of the Reboot

rebootHave you ever been working on your computer and experienced intense frustration?

The device you love lets you down by running really slow, not responding how you want it to, and acting like it has a mind of its own. When this happens, I want to throw it out an open window.

Luckily, I live with an IT professional who always comes to my rescue. I’ll call him in a panic, ranting and raving as my high expectations for completing my project with ease has disappeared right before my very eyes. He typically starts the conversation by reminding me to breathe, and then asking the most powerful question ever, “Have you restarted your computer?”

Usually the answer is no, so after a simple reboot, things line back up, and forward, joyful action is resumed.

When I was pondering my theme for 2014, many words came to mind—beginning with Simplify. (I saw this word on a black bumper sticker on a green Volkswagen.) It then evolved into Letting Go, and then Lightening Up.

All of these premises resonated with my desire to shift my thinking and relationships with friends and family, as well as with material items, but it wasn’t there quite yet.

I was driving along one day and realized, I didn’t want to remove issues I was struggling with. I wanted to Reboot them – to restart, redesign and have my thinking and relationships embrace more ease, acceptance and flow. Hence, the discovery of my theme!

2014 is the Year of the Reboot.

One month in, my theme has served me in a multitude of ways. The goals and intentions I’ve set for the year feel more attainable. And if they begin to feel like a struggle? I simply “reboot” the way I’m thinking. I change my course by trying something different (2012 theme) instead of doing the same thing over and expecting different results (insanity!).

I’m also enjoying my process more – attracting perfect clients and opportunities, fun, prosperity and joy (all delicious ingredients for my flourishing recipe for success).

Here are 3 ways you can reboot challenges in your life (I tried them and it works!):

  1. Thinking – When my thinking is not in alignment with ease, my evidence is how I feel. If I’m feeling frustrated, low energy or overwhelmed, it is a signal to take a 5-minute break and come back into the moment. I put my attention on something positive by reading something inspirational or listening to music.
  2. Personal Relationships – I gained clarity on what was not working for me in some of my closest relationships and gathered the courage to share what that was, for the sake of our relationship. I asked my closest friends and family members to support me by leaning in to our relationship a bit more. Not the easiest thing to do, but oh so fulfilling.
  3. Relationships with Things – “Less is more” is part of the reboot perspective. I enjoy releasing what I’m not using and clearing the clutter. I know energetically it opens up space for delicious people and opportunities to show up. I can get overwhelmed when I think of cleaning out the garage, so I break it down into increments of 1 – 2 hours, or 2 drawers in the kitchen, or 1 closet over the weekend. Easy peasy.

The Year of the Reboot is in full swing – and there is relief just knowing I can push the restart button at anytime.

How are you using YOUR theme to support you in moving towards what you want to create?

Oh, you don’t have a theme? I am happy to offer the first 5 people who click here a Flourishing Business Strategy Session to uncover your theme and align it with your goals, so you can live a delicious life.