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What Does Your Next Chapter Say?

bookThere is nothing better than reading a good work of fiction. Each chapter builds on the next, with some twists and turns along the way. My favorites lead me on an emotional journey, experiencing the ups, downs and all arounds of life. If I am lucky, my laughter and tears are spread over the chapters.

I am reading Outlander now, where there is adventure, history and passion woven into the story.

Any of this sound familiar?

Likely resembling the story of your life – filled with joy, laughter, adventure and more than a few surprises.

Except this is not fiction, this is your life.

The really great thing about your narrative is that you have the ability to create your own story line.

Yes, life will offer up unexpected events that you may not want to deal with, but overall every day presents a new opportunity to enhance the story of your life.

There are three parts to creating a wonderful chapter in your story. It all begins with clarity, intention and action.

1. Each morning you have the ability to create the kind of day you like. The minute you open your eyes, you can choose what your mindset is and utilize it to navigate through your day. When you awaken and shrink from the day with worry, fear or negativity you will find your experience to be less than fulfilling.

Try waking up knowing that it is going to be a good day.  One of the first things I tell myself in the morning is “Something great is going to happen today.” This clarity paves the way for a satisfying day.

2. As you develop clarity, you can craft your day with positive intentions.  How do you want this chapter of your life to look? A few specific intentions to enhance your day may look like this – when you get into your car, visualize the road being “wide open”. My friend Robin and I coined this term years ago and I use it each time I turn the key in the ignition.  I am pleased to say that my life offers up many green lights. Another intention could be to stay focused on what is most important in the day. My clients find that when they are creating a life they love, this is a key factor that supports them in accomplishing their never ending to-do list.

3. Once you are clear on your intentions, move forward each day with inspired action. These  actions are connected to the clear intentions you want to manifest throughout your day.  If you are focused on accomplishing something that would denote a great day, the best way to utilize inspired actions is to perform the top three things on your to-do list first thing in the morning. This is one of the most energizing activities you can do for yourself as you are actively writing the story of your life. Partner that with a good cup of coffee and you are on your way…

As I say in my book, The Joy Factor Recipe Book – A Common Sense Approach to a Delicious Life, “You are the chef of your life, now is the time to create delicious days.” 

Craft your life as something you want to read again and again as well as share with others. Utilizing these three steps, it is likely to be a page turner.