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What’s Your Theme for 2014?

Trendy Wendy

Trendy Wendy

Over the years, many unique trends have come and gone.

For example: asymmetrical haircuts and parachute pants (I know, I’m dating myself here).

Personally, I love jumping on the bandwagon of what’s hot and current. You can count on me to share the latest and greatest in fashion, food, drink, and entertainment.

For that reason, my sister Lisa dubbed me Trendy Wendy.

(Yes, I had an asymmetrical haircut in the 80’s. Shaved very short on one side and long, curly and lush everywhere else. I even took that style to a new level by shaving a lightning bolt into the short side. It was hot. Recently I wondered, what does asymmetrical look like this year? Turns out, I now have the updated version of that haircut.)

One of the biggest trends this time of year is to set New Year’s Resolutions.

They can be a wonderful tool to support you in achieving the goals and dreams you have for your life.

But here’s the thing about resolutions. . .

Resolutions, like parachute pants, are a good idea at the time. But a few months later, they are buried in the back of the proverbial closet or drawer, and your attention is no longer on them.

Some of you are thinking, well if I don’t have resolutions, how will I stay focused on what is most important to me?

The answer –

Create a Theme – a word (or two or three) that you can use to stay focused on the essence of what you want to create for yourself this year.

A former client of mine had a theme he called “401K.” He is a financial advisor and this theme kept him in the question of what “small deposits” can be made daily to enhance the happiness within his family and in business.

My theme last year was “Outrageous Abundance.”

This was the touchstone I used to help me make decisions and craft my quarterly goals. If the action did not align with outrageous abundance of joy, peace and prosperity, it was a no.

I am happy to share that this year I earned more money with fewer struggles. More abundance came in the way of traveling to a few amazing places with my husband this year (oh, yeah! THAT is Outrageous Abundance!).

What will YOUR theme – the words that inspire you to thrive – be this year? What words or phrase will help you to remain focused on what is most important, so you accomplish your desires?

Here are 5 tips that my colleague Jane McMullan Howe shares in her book, Choose a Theme – Thrive Guide for Creating Effortless Change.

  1. Take time to reflect

  2. Hear the voice of silence

  3. Examine yourself by asking and answering questions

  4. Make use of your senses

  5. Enjoy your creativity

I’ll be sharing my new theme for 2014 with you next month, so keep an eye out!

If you want to create YOUR theme for 2014, here are a couple of ways you can do that. . .

Way #1 – Live and In Person in Atlanta:  If you are in the Beauty and Wellness industry, attend my January Success Circle, where you’ll learn to create your theme for increased success and prosperity.

Way #2 – Virtually from the comfort of your home and/or office: Schedule one of the 5 spots available in January for a complimentary “Flourish in Business” Strategy Session with me.

In this 45-minute phone conversation, we will. . .

  • look at where you are in your business

  • get clear on where you want to go

  • flush out a few themes to support you in achieving that.

If you are interested in one of those 5 sessions, email me and I will send you my calendar link (there’s no cost).

(Or, you can stay with the trend of setting New Year’s resolutions – and join the hundreds of thousands of people that beat themselves up in February for not focusing on those resolutions.)

The one thing I do not want you to do? Please – don’t shave a lightning bolt in the side of your head!

Whatever action you choose to take, my wish for you is to enjoy the most amazing holiday season and a delicious and prosperous new year.