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Why What You Have for Dinner has Everything to Do with Building Your Business

Building a luscious, sustainable business is important for the majority of my readers, so I will now offer juicy information that speaks to the three non-negotiable areas that all entrepreneurs need to create a company they love. One that makes oodles of money and feeds you in a variety of ways.
You know the type of business where you are excited about waking up each day, because you know it will be filled with most things delicious. One where you have time to do the things that are most important to you both personally and professionally.


The Mind Body Business approach to creating delicious sustainable success.

MindSet Strategy –

Rumor has it that money is the root of all evil. I disagree; I think the way we think about money is the root of all evil.

New perspective to play with –

Perfection is the root of all evil.

This comes from me, a recovering Virgo that knows waiting for everything to be perfect before we share it means you may never get to share your brilliance. And then your amazing idea gets lost and you wallow in regret, which is certainly not a motivating trait.

Some of you may be thinking, “easier said than done Wendy”.

This is a new muscle that you can learn to flex.

Try this – the next time you need to make a decision, make it within thirty seconds. Start small here – when your friend or partner asks where you want to go for dinner, pick a restaurant quickly instead of trying to come up with the “perfect” restaurant. Really, it’s just a Monday night dinner.

Next – when you arrive at the restaurant, look at the menu and choose your item in 1 minute – it does not have to be perfect, just delicious.

The more you practice this, the easier it becomes to make harder decisions without getting stuck in the analysis paralyses of perfection.


Self-Care Strategy Tip 

“If you do not take care of your body, where are you going to live?”

Everyone is so busy these days. I know that I am. But I also know that if the POTUS can find time to exercise, so can you.

Studies show that 30 minutes of movement a day will reduce stress and assist with weight loss. The coolest thing, you don’t have to do the 30 minutes all at once.

Can you handle a 10 minute stroll around the block, 10 minutes of stretching and 10 minutes of push-ups, ab work and squats? I know you can, because I can.

So, if you want less stress and more success, and are struggling finding time to take care of your gorgeous body, try this new approach to exercise.

Business Strategy

Do More With What You Have!

If you live here in Hotlanta, you have seen me at a variety of networking events. I know it’s important to network, to meet more people and to get out of the office on a regular basis.

But remember, there is only one letter difference between networking and not working.

If you do not have the time for effective follow up after an event, spend an hour or two each week tapping into the plethora of people that are already in your database.

Don’t you love getting a phone call from a colleague that you have not heard from in a while? It is exciting to catch up and figure out ways to support each other’s success.

Be intentional when you connect. Listen. Share the support you need and ask how you can support them.

It saves gas, energy, and with the right intention, this small shift will be very fruitful for your cash flow.


The Mind Body Business Approach honors every facet of your life as you achieve your unique definition of delicious success. I offer coaching and presentations for individuals and groups. Want to learn more? Let’s have a conversation – click here to access my calendar.

Learn How One Statement Changes Lives

wendyHave you ever noticed how ironic life can be?

One day you are moving along through your days as easily as a knife slides through a perfectly cooked steak.

The next minute it feels you are chewing an overcooked piece of meat – a bit of struggle with little satisfaction.

I often wonder what causes the shift from delicious days to seemingly tasteless ones.

It can happen in just a moment, the same moment it takes for a steak to go from a perfect medium rare to overcooked.

I could spend time pontificating the reasons why this happens, and there can be many of them.

The gift I want to share with you today is what to do when a good day goes awry.

One sure way to snap back is to remember that this too shall pass. There are many adages about this saying – it seems to have originated in medieval times by Persian Sufi poets.  The story goes that a great King was humbled by these simple words. The phrase was etched onto a ring and had the ability to make the sad man happy and the happy man sad.

The next time you hit a proverbial bump in the road, try on this saying. It may not change things immediately, but the simple act of changing your perspective and knowing that the situation you are in is temporary, will quicken the recovery time so you can get back to enjoying the ride.

You need not get this etched on a ring, however, I invite you to find a saying, quote or affirmation that supports you through the good and the bad of your day.

I have a feeling that a lot of you already have sayings that you use daily. I would love to hear them. Click here to share them on Facebook page. Who knows, your sharing could lead to helping someone have a better day.

Ten Things my Colleagues Want You to Know About Creating Success in Your Business

Some people think I have lost my mind when I tell them that I have a standing 7 AM meeting every Tuesday. Yes, I meet with 18 other business owners and we create an amazing referral network to help each other work with ideal clients.

During our meeting on Tuesday, we were asked to answer this question – Imagine for a minute that we are each new in your business, and you are mentoring us. Describe a behavior that makes a difference.

I knew that some juicy tidbits were going to come from this conversation, so I grabbed my pen and pencil and scribbled the answers.

I share them with you today. Read on and see which one resonates most with you.

  1. Genuinely care about your clients.
  2. Be a duck – never let them see you working as hard as you are under the surface.
  3. Get comfortable with silence – allow your client or prospect to think about the question you asked before you speak again, and take the time you need to think before you answer their questions.
  4. Be full service  – be able to care of all of your clients needs in your field or refer appropriately
  5. It is okay to be tired and it is okay to be hungry, but it is not okay to be tired and hungry – charge prices that reflect the quality of service you provide.
  6. Never compromise on quality.
  7. Play in traffic – get involved in your community as a form of networking.
  8. Under promise and over deliver – this was so juicy that it was mentioned twice!
  9. You have 2 eyes, 2 ears and 1 mouth – act accordingly.  Listen and observe twice as much as you speak.
  10. Take a bookkeeping class – learn about your money early on.
  11. Become an expert in your field.
  12. Know your tools and resources and use them accordingly.
  13. Volunteer in your community.
  14. Manage expectations.
  15. Pay attention to the cause, not just the effect and symptoms.

I offer you a challenge. Which one of these juicy tidbits will you weave into your week to create an enhanced level of success? I would love to know – take a minute and share that with me on here on my blog.

Productivity is the New Busy

blogAre you familiar with the kind of busyness where you go from meeting to meeting, task to task, and at the end of the day, you are exhausted and even worse, unfulfilled?

You go to bed fretting about all of the things you didn’t accomplish, fueling your worry and doubt that you can build a thriving, sustainable business.

This was typical behavior for my client Jane. She started her business on a shoestring.  She pounded the pavement, sharing her new venture with her family and friends. Slowly, but surely, which is the sustainable way to build a business, she engaged with new clients. They loved her and wanted her products.

She no longer cringed when she checked her banking account each week.

Yet, what was consistent in our coaching sessions was she did not feel that she was moving forward.  This lack of energy had her doubt her ability to succeed.

This was her kryptonite.

You see, Jane was a visionary type of entrepreneur; this was her superpower – always looking at the future and what she needed to do next. This is a valuable trait for business owners, it’s the catalyst that moves them towards accomplishing dreams and goals.

When reflection is not part of your daily process, your energy will wane and dissipate your momentum.

Momentum is essential to building a business; it’s what gets you out of bed in the morning. It is much more effective than an alarm.

Building momentum begins from within.

It starts with clarity. When you’re clear on the direction you’re heading and partner that with a concise plan of action, all of a sudden your busyness has a motive. You can make conscious decisions that move you towards your goals.

Then, your confidence begins to increase. This happens when you use your internal “rearview mirror” to reflect on your accomplishments each day. When you shift your attention to achievement verses what you didn’t finish, your gusto to wake up and do it again will be there waiting for you.

Spend a few minutes each day thinking about what you did achieve and notice what happens.

Partner this clarity and confidence with a dose of patience, than you are well on your way to creating the sustainable success you desire.

Let’s face it, studies show that it takes 2-4 years to build a sustainable and successful business.

When you learn to weave in the proper mindset with the essential activities to work on each day, yes, you will work hard, and you will be fully engaged and productive. This is what will yield you the results of many happy clients and you, a happy and fulfilled business owner.

Three Secrets to Help You Focus Today

secretsWhat is it about staying focused on your goals and intentions that’s most challenging?

It could be that you’re inundated each and every day with a multitude of information that distracts you from keeping your attention on what you want to create in your life.

OR, it could be that you are not crystal clear on what you want to accomplish, so no need to focus.

I have a friend who’s been most instrumental over the years when it comes to helping me keep my attention on what is most important.

Her name is Martha and she is from the Dominican Republic. For years she has been helping me to keep my focus, by telling me 4 simple words.

It is not just the words, it is how she says it.

When you read this next sentence, imagine that it is being spoken by a women with a Spanish accent – “You must fuckus Wendy”

Yes, it is spelled as it sounds.

It makes me smile every time I say it and most people laugh when they hear it.

The best part – it helps me to focus!

There are three other things that are helpful when it comes to being attentive –

  1. Connect your goal to your Big Why. When you can stay connected to why you want to accomplish something important, it’s easier to keep your attention there. This leads to action and accomplishment.
  1. Break your goal into baby steps. It is much easier for my client who is looking to change jobs or career, to take this huge gulp of a task and split it up over the week. When they perform one to three actions daily, it will move her towards her goal with a lot less struggle.
  1. Use a structure to remind you of the action you want to take. Using the above example, my client was looking for more financial freedom in her new job, so I asked her if there was an item she could think of that represented that for her. She immediately thought of a necklace her mother had given her that was made of an antique coin. She wears that necklace, as a structure, to remind her of her desire for financial freedom. This keeps her focused when the going gets tough.

Integrate just one of these items  into your day and watch your focus increase. When your focus increases, your chances of reaching your goal will dramatically increase.

And, if you want Martha to tell you to “fuckus”, I can ask her to give you a ring.

Gardening Tips for a Thriving Business

I like gardening – it’s a circleplace where I find myself when I need to lose myself. Alice Sebold

Last month I shared Harvey Mackey’s version of gardening. Today get ready for Wendy Watkins version of gardening….

I invite you to see your goals and intentions as a garden.

Your visions of success are the seeds of your garden. First things first – plant those seeds!

When putting in a garden, if you want tomatoes, you buy tomato plants.

If you want a certain kind of tomatoes, lord knows there are hundreds of varieties,  you choose the specific kind you desire.

Choose your specific seed of success and plant it by putting it into the metaphorical ground. Write it down, create a visual of it, share it with a friend or your coach—that is the first step.

Some may say you have to prepare the soil – I agree.

In this example, you must embrace the mindset that you can, and will, have the life you desire.

With a fertile mindset and your “seeds” in the ground, it’s time to water.

Water your seeds of intention with positivity – positive thoughts and  supportive people.

Each day, sprinkle your intentions with the knowing that as you move forward each day with inspired action, you are getting closer to your goal.

When you fertilize your seeds, you are giving them a boost, a little something extra to help them to grow to their fullest.

How do you fertilize your seeds of intention?

A few ways to fertilize are to:

– Spend time being grateful for where you are and what you have, while clearly holding the vision of what you desire.

– Script your vision each day in your journal. Scripting is writing about your goal as if it has already happened.

-Perform one inspired action each day that moves you closer to you goal – make a phone call, send an email, ask for help. This keeps the forward momentum going.

Weeding is another important part of the process. In the garden, it means removing unwanted plants that incessantly pop up.

When creating something new in your life, these weeds are limiting beliefs, negative thoughts, self-doubt, etc.  Just like in a garden, the better you prepare the soil (your mindset), fewer weeds will pop up.

And, no matter how proactive you are, the weeds still show up. Every person that has achieved their vision of success, deals with weeds. Every one of them!

This is when  active weeding begins – this is as simple as noticing your negative thought, remembering it is just a thought and a normal part of stretching and growing. Once you realize it is just a thought, and you are not your thoughts, you can “remove” that weed and move forward.

Some weeds have really deep roots. In that case, there are people and tools to help you get to the root of the weed and remove it.

The most important part here is to be gentle on yourself when the weeds show up, because they will, and have a plan of attack to help eradicate them from your beautiful garden of success.

We often get busy and forget to water our gardens. This is a daily activity for someone who is intentional about creating change in their life and achieving their goal. A little bit of positivity every day, will keep you on track.

Having your corral of positive people that you can call to remind you of your vision, your desire and your ability to achieve it is imperative. Make it a point to stay in contact with these people and reduce contact with those that tell you it can’t be done—another form of weed!

Then, patience and trust come in. There is so much happening under the soil that you do not realize.  Often people give up just before the seedling breaks through the soil.

Stay diligent my friends. You can create the life you love.

Prepare, plant, water, fertilize, weed, water and hold the vision…it won’t be long.

The worse thing I can think that happens is that you don’t plant the seed and nurture it, then you will never get to taste the sweetness of your harvest.

Bragging rights-

These are a few of the harvests that my clients are enjoying from the seeds of success that they planted last year.

S.M. has launched her successful coaching business.

R.C. has transitioned from a successful long time career to a new fulfilling job.

R.K. is in the process of weeding out non-perfect clients and attracting perfect ones.

A.M. has launched his international company here in Atlanta.

D.L. has increased clarity and confidence and is enjoying those benefits

What would you like it to say behind your initials? Plant those seeds and if you want a “gardener” to support you, contact me to set up a Flourishing Strategy Session. This free 45 minute phone conversation will help you determine what seeds to plant and how to best nurture them. Click here to schedule a session today.

Planting the Seeds of Success *

carré potagerWith spring just about here and planting season in many places just around the corner, I came across a garden plan that you might consider this year.

–First, plant three rows of peas: passion, performance and persistence.

–Then three rows of squash: squash gossip, squash indifference and squash criticism.

–There should be three rows of lettuce: Let us be true to our obligations. Let us be unselfish. Let us be loyal.

–Next, plant four rows of turnips: Turn up when needed. Turn up with determination. Turn up with vision. And most of all, turn up with a smile.

–To complete your garden, you must have thyme. Time for fun. Time for family and friends. And time for yourself.

–Water freely with patience and cultivate with affection. If you do all of this you will reap what you sow.

*The above comes from Harvey Mackay via my friend and past client, Derek Nowatzki – thank you Derek.

We often measure success by terms of the size of our home, bank account and other external measurements.

Don’t get me wrong, having nice things are wonderful. When it comes to flourishing success, it’s imperative to look at your whole life. The above story speaks to many of the important qualities that lead to a fulfilling and sustainable version of success.

Begin with determining what success is to you, not what it is to your parents, partner or friends.

Once you gain clarity, you can begin to align your actions with your understanding of what is most important to you.

The hardest part is waiting for these new seeds that you have planted to begin to sprout and then fully bloom.

By staying focused on your vision of success and utilizing these steps, you will enjoy a gorgeous garden filled with things that honor your vision of success.

Next time we will talk about garden care and how to assure your seeds will grow.

In the meantime, this is a good opportunity to look at what you want intentions you want to sow this season.

If clarity is power, then what seeds do you want to plant?

I would love to know – leave your comments here.


Why Can’t Hurry Up be a Virtue?

summer I dubbed last summer as the “summer of wreckless debauchery.”

It was so much fun to travel, eat, drink and truly enjoy all of the deliciousness of life – literally.

Ice cream cone – ok!   Milkshakes – yum!  Pizza! Burgers! Fries! And all with a bit of a gourmet twist.

Then came September and I went to put on a pair of my blue jeans – not a fun experience. I felt like the sausage I had eaten all year long.

I had 2 options – buy new jeans or lose some weight.  I went with the latter, because I love my jeans, as well as a personal challenge.

The thing was, I wanted to wear those jeans that weekend.

When you come to a point in your life that brings dissatisfaction and you realize that you have to change, it doesn’t feel good.

Whether it’s modifying your career, adjusting how you eat or transforming simple activities to achieve different results in your life, the toughest part is not knowing what to do first.

First, I couldn’t believe I let the weight creep back. I had to come to peace with where I was, loving and accepting my curves and softness, before anything could happen.

In 2005, I had the same awakening, then I was 50 pounds overweight. I joined Weight Watchers and lost the weight in 8 months.

If it worked once, it would work again. This is true in so many areas of our lives.

If you have built a successful career or business, you can do it again.  If you have been in a good, loving relationship, you can obtain that again. If you know how to earn a million dollars, easy peasy—do it again. Ask any millionaire that has made the money, lost it and earned it again.

The thing was at this point in my life I was not excited about being patient – I wanted to wear my jeans today!  And, I knew that any quick weight loss would not be sustainable for me.

So I started working the program and over the last five months have lost 21 pounds. I feel great and am enjoying my seemingly new wardrobe that fits great again.

When my patience was wearing thin, these three things helped me to preserve.

  1. Structure – Because this program is focused on “points” which is another way to look at calories, I knew I could eat pretty much whatever I wanted, as long as I had a clear plan. When you have a plan, you can move forward with confidence, knowing that each action is contributing towards your goal.
  2. Accountability – With a weekly weigh-in, my level of commitment increased because of my desire to see and celebrate my results. Having a loss of 1-2 pounds per week gave me the gumption to keep going. Having an accountability partner or coach in your life will be the structure that supports your success.
  3. Celebration – I would find ways to celebrate my small accomplishments each week, meeting a girlfriend for a movie, taking a luxurious bath or getting a foot massage. When you celebrate the small things, it keeps you moving towards your goal.

I have a few more pounds I would like to lose, but with a plan, accountability and reasons to celebrate, I will be in a bikini for sure this summer.

Where are you impatient in your life right now?   If you think that having a clear plan, accountability and reasons to celebrate would help you make the transition you desire in your life, job or business, then take advantage of my complimentary Flourishing Strategy Session. In 45 minutes, you will experience the power of coaching to help you fall back in love with your love and work. Click here to schedule your session today.

My Favorite Recipe Ever!

Cooking concept. Ingredients and kitchen tools with the old blanIf I had a dollar for every recipe I pulled out of a magazine and never cooked, I could retire today.

What is it about the promise of a delicious meal?

First, the picture always gets me – colorful food beautifully plated with just the perfect garnish on the perfect plate.

Then, the expectation of the first bite of deliciousness. Most likely, there will be appetizing conversation that goes with the delicious meal.

I’m salivating – are you?

Here is the thing; the reason I clip them, yet don’t cook them is that Matt, my husband is the chef in the house. He is in charge of cooking up delicious meals. As the author of The Joy Factor Recipe Book – A Common Sense Approach to a Delicious Life, I’m the one in charge of cooking up delicious days.

I’m going to share one of the twenty recipes I have compiled from my book with you today. This one comes from the amazing T. Harv Eker, author of Secrets of the Millionaire Mind.

Like poaching a perfect egg – it’s very simple in theory – drop an egg into hot water for six minutes. If you’ve ever poached an egg, or been witness to the act of poaching, you know it is not easy.

The same is true for this recipe – simple, yet not always easy.

Here it is – TFAR

Thoughts + Feelings + Actions = Results

Creating a delicious life begins with your thoughts. Whenever you think a thought, you experience a feeling. Try it now – think about someone you enjoy spending time with … notice how thinking about that person makes you feel.

Now, think about someone that you do not enjoy spending time with. Are you ready to shift your thoughts back to the person you enjoy spending time with? I have a feeling the answer is yes.

Let’s move this example to the next level.

Think about an item on your to-do list. Maybe you have to follow up with a perspective client or employer.

How does thinking about this activity make you feel? If you are excited about the opportunity, than chances greatly increase you’ll move forward in action, bringing you closer to the results you really want.

Starting to sound tasty?

Even though not one of the ingredients in this recipe is chocolate, I promise you that as you start to use this one daily, just like the coffee you brew or the sandwich you make, you will notice measurable shifts in your life.

I’m not saying you have to monitor every thought – you will know if your thoughts are serving you by how you feel and the results you are achieving (or not) in your life.

Try this –

  1. When you wake up, choose a thought you know will bring you a positive feeling. I like “Something great is going to happen today.”
  2. This will move you to excitement and curiosity. PS- curiosity is a skill named in Psychology Today that helps people achieve their goals.
  3. As you move through your day, let these feelings guide your actions. When curiosity is present in a meeting that you are not excited about, you’ll ask questions that help to move you closer to the results you want to experience.
  4. Last, but not least, take some time each day to reflect on the positive actions you took that moved you closer to the results you want to experience.

Then, you can cook up this delicious recipe for success in any area of your life again the next day.

Bon appetite!


Do You Have a New York State of Mind?

snowWhenever I head to NYC, which has been quarterly for the last two years to spend time with my business coach, I anticipate the glorious sensory experience I’m about to embark on. The sights, sounds, tastes – all of it is delightfully stimulating.

The trip I took last week was a bit different.

There was a prediction for snow – and right before my eyes, the forecast changed from a winter storm warning to a blizzard warning. The news touted it as the worst blizzard the city has seen!

As decisions were being made, by situations that were out of my control, I had to let go and trust whatever was about to happen.

I did everything I could to prepare to for my event that was to begin on Tuesday morning.

Life offers us up many opportunities to either embrace worry or trust. I cannot deny there was concern about how I would get to Manhattan from Brooklyn, but I figured it out and had a plan.

I chose trust.

Just as I was getting ready to get on the L train to the city, an email arrived – the event was cancelled – what?!?!

I got on the phone, called Delta and rescheduled my flight to get out of the city before the storm hit. Easy peasy, I was going to be home soon.  Trusting was working for me.

Wrong! My flight was cancelled within an hour.

On to plan b—what was plan b anyway?

First part of the plan to navigate the storm – remember to breathe. Second part, choose trust vs. worry and doubt.

I rebooked to head home on Wednesday and hunkered down to enjoy the storm.  This included some good food including bagels and dumplings, as well as a positive attitude. I was grateful to be with my NY family and felt right at home.  My friend Stephen loves to cook, just like my husband does, so dinners were magnificent.

By claiming thoughts that helped me to feel trust vs. worry, I had a productive and very fun snow day, as you see by the evidence of my snow angel.

My mentor Edwin Neill once told me, ultimate flexibility is the key to a happy life. This does not come to me naturally, it is something I must first remember, then practice.

So if embracing a plan where flexibility is what allows you to practice trust instead of worry, where in your life would you begin?

Your career – what is your plan for your work? If you do not love what you are doing, what small changes can you make over time to feel the fulfillment you desire?

Your relationship – this is an easy place to overlook. You get busy and key relationships fall by the wayside. What is your plan to nurture them?  Remember, you can’t change them, you can only change yourself.

Your self-care –what is your plan to take care of you? Many of my clients complain they don’t have time to take care of themselves. We all have the same twenty four hours in a day, yet not everyone has a plan. Begin with a plan and the time will present itself as you honor your commitment to yourself.

With a plan, partnered with commitment and focus, you can, and will create an amazing 2015. Tap into your New York state of mind.