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Take a Vacation in Your Living Room

fearchange“A vacation is having nothing to do and all day to do it in.” Robert Orben

What I love about vacation is slowing down and disconnecting from the day to day tasks. Don’t get me wrong – I love to travel to new (and familiar) places, visit with friends and family, and enjoy unique tastes of all things delicious.

But when it comes down to it, peace and serenity is the experience I savor when on vacation.

Mmmmm….peace and serenity – a very popular item on the menu of life.

Many people crave this elusive state of mind. And for one reason or another, it is hard to satisfy the craving by taking vacations on a regular basis.

What if I told you that you could engage in the peace and calmness right in your living room?

I do, on a daily basis. It comes from a simple practice of meditation.

I know what you are thinking because I hear my clients say it often – “I can’t meditate.” I know for a fact that you can since I thought the same thing many years ago.

If you were to say, “I can’t meditate perfectly” or “My mind gets clouded by thoughts when I try to meditate”, I would agree with you there. But to say, I can’t meditate is an affirmation you are bringing true.

What I would like to offer you today is a new perspective on meditating.

First, it is a practice – a repeated exercise or activity to acquire or maintain proficiency in it.

Second, you cannot do it “wrong”. Just taking intentional time to sit and connect with your self is a plus.

Third, you do not have to meditate for hours on end. Beginning with 5 minutes a day and working your way to 30 minutes a day will reduce stress and increase serenity and clarity in your life.

All I ask is that you view the practice of meditation, which will help you reengage with the joy and passion in your life, in a new way.

May I present to you the meditation buffet – examples of a variety of meditations.

Try one, or two, and see which works best for you.

Zazen is the generic term for a seated meditation. It is a minimal kind of meditation where you sit with your back straight and connect with your breath.

Guided visualizations are a popular form of meditation that involves concentrating on an image. It is usually done listening to a recording

Qi gong is a form of moving meditation that uses the breath to circulate energy through the organs and energy centers in the body.

Heart Rhythm meditation is focused on the breath and heartbeat, making the breath full, deep, rhythmic and balanced. Attention is focused on the heart as the center of the energetic system.

A meditation practice is just that, practice. It takes time to get comfortable sitting and breathing and allowing your mind and body to slow down. The more you practice the easier it becomes.

Give yourself the gift of starting your day with intention and a simple meditation practice.  It is here that you will nurture the peace and serenity that you need to navigate through the journey of life.

I would love to hear about your experience with mediation. Click here and let me know what you enjoy from the buffet. Enjoy a side of peace and calm…