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The Waterfall Secret

photo1How often do you find yourself in the flow?

According to Wikipedia, being in the flow is the mental state of operation in which a person performing an activity is fully immersed in a feeling of energized focus, full involvement, and enjoyment in the process of the activity. In essence, flow is characterized by complete absorption in what one does.

Today’s challenge, if you choose to accept it, is to uni-task. I know, here I go, making up words again. I am not sure if this one will end up in the new dictionary like selfie did this year, but what I do know is that the concept of doing one thing at a time will give you the feeling of flow.

The power and beauty of the waterfall pictured comes from its singular purpose of allowing overflow from rain or rivers to find a place to go. There are many types of waterfalls including ledge, horsetail and punchbowl. Each has its own focus. This photo is of the punchbowl at Eagle Creek in Portland, OR. We visited there on Monday. Water descends in a constricted form and then spreads out in a wider pool. We waded around in that pool—brrrrrrrr….cool and refreshing.

Try this – as you look at your list of things to do today, consciously choose one action at a time to perform. Allow yourself to give 100% of yourself to the activity and notice how you feel. The hardest part of this exercise will likely happen be when you are at your computer. After you’ve allowed yourself to immerse in the chosen activity, check in with yourself.  Was it more energizing to uni-task?  Also notice if you were able to finish the activity quicker and more efficiently. Click here to let us know how the uni-tasking is going.

In a world where so many feel like they never get anything done, uni-tasking is an opportunity to shift from overwhelm to accomplishment. If you enjoy it, do it again. It will likely be uncomfortable at first, yet according to Mihály Csíkszentmihályi, this single minded immersion helps us to flourish in service of performing and learning.

Utilize your energy like the punchbowl falls, let it run down quickly and then spread out to the activity you want to accomplish.  Then jump in and continue to enjoy your life.